How to Track a Transaction With Chips Number


Frequently asked questions


What is CHIPS exactly?

CHIPS is an ecosystem that provides a free, super-safe and bank independent place to store money while earning interest and enabling income creation.  At the same time CHIPS also provides mobile faclities and a business portal to spend, send, receive and track money. CHIPS presents the first regulated alternative to payment services offered by the banks today.

Is CHIPS provided by a bank?

No CHIPS is not a bank. The CHIPS Value Store is provided by a regulated Financial Service Provider and the payment service is provided by a registered Payment Service Provider.

Who can use the CHIPS service?

The CHIPS service is available to any South African citizen (over the age of 18) with a valid identity document as well as registered businesses and organisations.

Who can I pay using CHIPS?

The CHIPS Money Manager can be used to pay any person, business or organisation that is a registered CHIPS user, in other words any entity that accepts CHIPS payments.  You can also create a Payment Code using your Money Manager, to pay at selected merchants that accept wiCode mobile payments (see the list participating merchants here).

How long does it take for a recipient of a CHIPS payment to receive their money?

Sending CHIPS to another CHIPS Money Manager is real-time, therefore the recipient will receive their money instantly.  If the transaction does not appear immediately in the transaction History or the Balance is not updated, swipe down on the screen to refresh the information.

Do I need to have a bank account to use CHIPS?

Can I use my CHIPS anytime of the day or night?

Yes. Using CHIPS is like having cash in your pocket.  It is available 24x7x365.  Services utilising third parties can have restricted hours of services.  As far as possible the app provides warning of such instances.

Can I use the CHIPS Money Manager if I do not have an internet connection?

No.  You need access to a Wi-Fi connection or must have mobile data available to use the app.

Sign up & Registration

What are the minimum requirements to register as a CHIPS Money Manager user?

You need to be 18 years or older and have a valid South African identity number.  You also need a smartphone to install and use the app.

What are the minimum requirements for my mobile device to run the CHIPS Money Manager?

The CHIPS Money Manager can be installed on Apple iPhones with iOS version 8 or higher, and other smartphones with Android v4.4 (KitKat) or higher.

How do I download CHIPS?

The CHIPS Money Manager mobile app is available on the South African app stores of Google and Apple.  Search your specific phone's app store for the CHIPS Money Manager app and install from there or click on the buttons below if you are using a mobile device to view this.

CHIPS Money Manager

Why is it necessary to provide my personal details?

In order to comply with the Financial Intelligence Centre Act (Act No. 38 of 2001) and subsequent amendments (FICA), the Financial Service Provider providing the Value Store account, is compelled by law to keep up to date identity records of each customer holding an account in the Value Store.  Similarly, the CHIPS service has to ensure that all transactions comply with the anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism regulations.


How do I load money into my CHIPS account?

Two options are available using the Funds-In function under the Funds-in / Funds-out tab, namely:

  • Transferring from your bank account
  • Buying cash vouchers at participating stores

You can also ask another CHIPS user to transfer some of his CHIPS to you in exchange for your cash

How do I load money into my CHIPS account if I don't have a bank account?

There are several alternative ways to load funds into your CHIPS Value Store account, including:

  • Asking you employer to pay your salary/wage directly into your CHIPS account
  • Asking another CHIPS user to transfer CHIPS to you in exchange for cash
  • Receiving CHIPS transfers from your family and friends
  • Paying with cash at any retailer payment point that allows Pay@ payments

Can I transfer money from my bank account into my CHIPS account?

Yes.  By utilising the CHIPS Money Manager's Funds-in function, you can instantaneously withdraw money from your bank account and transfer the equivalent value in CHIPS into your Value Store account.  Unfortunately, there is a cost involved due to bank and processing charges.

Can I transfer CHIPS back to my bank account?

Yes.  By using the Funds Out function, you can transfer money from your Value Store account to your bank account, using your Money Manager app.  A small fee is charged due to bank and processing charges.

How do I pay someone with CHIPS?

To make a payment to a business or organisation, the intended recipient needs to produce a payment request and make it available to the payer to scan.  Once scanned, the amount to be paid and the identity of the recipient is shown to the payer, the transaction fees payable (if any) is shown to the payer and the payer can then authorise the payment. Once authorised, the amount minus transaction fees payable, is transferred from the CHIPS account of the payer to the CHIPS account of the receiver in the Value Store.

Can I send money to someone who is not a CHIPS user?

Yes.  You select the contact or provide the mobile number of the recipient and specify the amount to be sent.  Thereafter the Bank (Nedbank in this case) will send a cash withdrawal voucher number via SMS to the phone number selected.  The recipient can use the voucher at any Nedbank cardless ATM to withdraw the cash.  You can find the Send Cash via SMS option under the Send functions.

Can I reverse a transaction that I have submitted?

No. Once you have authorised a transaction it is final and cannot be cancelled or reversed. This also applies to the purchasing of prepaid services using CHIPS.

How do I create a payment request for other users to scan?

If you need money from another CHIPS user, you can create a payment request by clicking on the Request tab.  This will give you the opportunity to fill in the amount that you require from the payer and a reference to remind you what the payment was for, in the My Reference field.

Can I withdraw cash at ATMs from my CHIPS account?

Yes, this facility is available at FNB and Nedbank, offering cardless withdrawals.  Withdrawals are limited to R5 000 per day.  Unfortunately, there are charges involved due to bank and processing fees.

How do I withdraw cash?

You can withdraw cash from your CHIPS account in various ways:

  • At ATMs, by using the Withdrawal from ATM function, under Funds Out, on the Funds In/Out button.  Money Manager generates a code that you can enter into ATMs that offer cardless withdrawals (currently FNB and Nedbank ATMs can be used).  Unfortunately, there are charges involved due to bank and processing fees.
  • At the tills of participating retailers, by buying a voucher (see list of participating merchants here)

How do I buy prepaid airtime, SMS and data bundles with CHIPS?

You can buy mobile prepaid products and services without any transaction fee within your Money Manager app. You will find Marketplace under the Spend option where you can select the service provider and the product selection.

Can I view a history of my past transactions?

Yes.  The History button provides your history of transactions, including details of each transaction.  You can also a search and sort the transactions.

How can I see my balance?

Your balance is displayed at the top of the Transact screen (and most other screens) as Current Balance.  When the app starts up the Current Balance does not show.  To view the balance, you simply click on the Current Balance.  You can also hide the Current Balance by clicking on it again.

What is the benefit of linking to other CHIPS users?

Linking to another CHIPS user makes it quick to select the person for paying or sending money to.  Another benefit of linking to another person, business or organisation, is that you can set the default categorisation for payments made to or received from the counterparty.  This will, for future transactions with this party, automatically populate the categorisation fields associated with the transaction.

How do I link to other CHIPS users?

To link to other users you can either ask them to show you their unique QR code (My ID) which they can find under their Dropdown menu, or after receiving a payment from an unlinked CHIPS user, you will be asked if you would like to link to the payer.

Fees & Limits

What does the CHIPS service cost?

The CHIPS service offers a free Value Store account (i.e. no monthly or annual charges), the CHIPS Money Manager app is free to download and most transactions are free or have a very low fee.  In all cases the fees are presented to the payer for authorisation before the transaction is submitted for processing.

How much does the CHIPS Money Manager cost to download?

The CHIPS Money Manager is available free of charge on the app stores.

What are the fees associated with CHIPS transactions?

Minimal to zero fees are charges to CHIPS users

For more details on fees, see the Fees tab on the main menu of this web site.

Are there any limits on transaction values?

Yes.  Transaction limits are imposed and enforced, depending on the FICA status level of the user.  The FICA status is determined by the quality and quantity of verifiable documentation that the user can provide.  The different levels, document requirements and transaction limits, are provided on Compliance sub heading under the Features menu item of this site.

Businesses wishing to register, are taken through a separate online process that collects the necessary documentation based on the business entity's legal structure.

Can I put a limit on my daily spending?

Yes.  You can set your own limit on the total daily spend (the default limit is R1 000 per day) according to your personal preference.  You can find the setting in the dropdown menu under My profile / My limits.  To implement the change to your Daily limit you will need to authorise the change with your PIN.

Can I make a payment without providing my PIN?

Yes.  You can set an amount under which you need not provide your PIN or fingerprint.  You will find this setting in the dropdown menu under my Profile / My limits.  By increasing or decreasing the Secure pay limit value you set a new amount above which the app will require your PIN to authorise the payment.  To implement the change to your Secure payment limit you will need to authorise the change with your PIN.

Can I speed up the process to complete a payment (for NFC-like card payments)?

Yes.  If you want to pay and walk (much like NFC payments with card) you can specify an Express limit - any payment below the Express limit will not require any further action from you and will be processed. With an express payment you will not have the chance to view the transaction details, fees, etc. You can set your Express limit by selecting My Profile in the dropdown menu, then My limits and then you can change the Express limit amount.  In order to implement this change, you need to authorise it by provide your PIN or using your fingerprint.

Safety & Security

Is my money safe?

Yes.  Money that you receive or transfer by means of your Money Manager app is held in a safe custody account in the CHIPS Value Store where your money is invested in low risk investments, managed by an independent Financial Services Provider, regulated by the Financial Services Compliance Authority (FSCA).  In terms of the investment vehicle utilised, your account in the Value Store is insured against mismanagement, fraud and theft.

Is my CHIPS Money Manager app safe?

Yes. CHIPS is safe to use on multiple levels: Apart from the security mechanism implemented on a technical level (both from a mobile app and back-end system perspective) the user can also use several other ways to enhance the security levels, including device locking mechanisms.  The CHIPS Money Manager app requires your Password to sign on as well as requesting you to key in your PIN to authorise transactions - before they are actioned. This prevents anyone who gains unauthorised access to your phone, and obtains your password in some or other way, from transacting or effecting any changes to settings, as your secret PIN is required to authorise payments or change your user settings.  If you have a Touch ID-enabled device, you can use your fingerprint instead of your PIN to authorise.

How easy or difficult is it for someone to steal my money?

CHIPS provides multiple layers of security to ensure that your money is safe.  Should someone, however, get hold of your access keys it is possible that the multiple layers of security within the system could be breached and your money could be transferred to someone else.  The fact that the money can only be transferred to another registered CHIPS user, ensures that the culprit will not get away with his crime.  Due to the compliance process that is followed at registration, every user is identified through the in-app identity verification process.  At the very least, the mobile number of the perpetrator could be used for his identification.

Can deductions be made from my account without me knowledge?

No.  The CHIPS service does not allow any transactions not authorised by you at the time of the transaction.

How do I activate the fingerprint authorisation feature?

If your phone supports fingerprint recognition, you can activate it for CHIPS by opening your Security settings (under the app's dropdown menu).  Simply move the Touch ID authentication button to highlight that it is turned on.  Once activated successfully, you can use your fingerprint to activate your app and authorise transactions instead of the PIN, wherever required.

Do I need to enter my bank account details?

You only need to capture your banking details to transfer funds to your bank account.  As per normal, you would need to enter your bank account number, branch code, etc. You can enter your bank account details in My Profile tab on the app dropdown menu.  The account will be verified with your bank.  You can capture one or more bank account should you wish to use more than one bank account from time to time.

General Help

What happens if I lose my phone or it gets stolen?

Don't worry.  Your money is safe.  There are various levels of security on your phone and in the Money Manager app that will prevent unauthorised use.
When you get your new phone, simply download the CHIPS Money Manager app again and login with your credentials.

What happens when I get a new phone?

When you get your new smartphone, you just need to install the CHIPS Money Manager app on your new device and login with your registered user name and password. It is also recommended that you uninstall Money Manager app from your old phone.  Refer to the CHIPS T&Cs under Safety & Security in the Money Manager app, if you require more information.

What if my mobile number changes?

You need to change the mobile number in the Contact Details under My profile as soon as possible.  Warning:  If you do not make this change your payment could be made to other CHIPS users that use your old number.

Can I have more than one CHIPS Money Manager?

You can only have one instance of CHIPS Money Manager in your name.

Can I login to CHIPS using someone else's CHIPS Money Manager app?

Yes.   You can login by using another person's Money Manager app.  After the person had logged out you can login with your mobile phone number and password.  Of course, you must remember to logout when finished.

How do I get support or help?

For support you can email your query or problem to the support email address.  The address can be found in the Money Manager app's dropdown menu under Support.

Where do I check my software release number?

The release number of the software you are using is provided in the Dropdown menu under App information.

Where can I find the Terms and Conditions?

The terms of conditions can be found in the About Us dropdown menu under Terms and Conditions.  You will see that there are two documents, one for CHIPS and one for the Value Store (the AOS T&Cs).

How do I retrieve my password or PIN?

You can reset your password by clicking on 'Forgot Details' on the login screen.  You will then be asked to provide your mobile number or email address.
You can also change your password and PIN under the Security settings of your profile, accessible from the dropdown menu.

What can I do to check that a payment had been made?

You can check that a payment was made or received by going to your transaction history, using the History button, searching for your transaction and opening the details by clicking on the payment.  The details of the transaction provide the proof of payment.  The System Reference number provides the unique number for the transaction.

What can I do if I have an issue with regards to a transaction?

Contact CHIPS support via our Contact Us page immediately and specify the issue that you have experienced. You're also welcome to get in touch with us via Facebook or Twitter. Kindly assist us by providing the System Reference number of the transaction - you will find this number in the transaction details, at the bottom of the referencing information in under the History tab. We will investigate and follow up with you.

What happens if the wiCode QR reader at the pay point doesn't work?

The pay point operator can manually enter the 7-digit Payment Code that is displayed underneath the QR code in the CHIPS Money Manager app.

Can I change my profile photo?

Yes.  You can find your photo under the Dropdown menu under My profile.  By clicking on Update photo, the camera will open and allow you to take a new photo or load a photo from the photos on your mobile.

How do I change my Profile Details?

Click on the menu, Select "my profile" you can here change your personal detail and nick name, Contact detail, Bank accounts as well as daily limits.

How do I change my Email address?

Click the menu, Select "my profile" click on contact detail. You can change your email and phone number – and OTP will be sent to your new email or cell number.

How do I change my Mobile number?

Go to the menu, Select "my profile" click on contact detail. You can change your email and/or phone number – and OTP will be sent to your new email or cell number.

How do I invite other people to join CHIPS?

There are two way you can do this.  The one way is by using the dropdown menu and the other is at the bottom of the Referrer Commission screen, under the Save function.  There you will see Invite another person/s.  You will then be able to choose the channel to be used (WhatsApp, email, etc) and thereafter your contact list will be opened to select the receivers of your invite.  Once selected the default message will be shown to you where you can add your personal touch.  Important to note that when you change the message do not touch the hyperlink provided at the bottom of the message.  This is a personalised link that links you, as referrer, to the person downloading the app.

Where can I see my referral commission?

This option might be available in a future version and is currently under review.

Where can I see how many successful referrals I have?

You can find the number of referrals you have on the Referrer Commission screen, under the Save function, as Successful referrals.  A successful referral is an invitation you extended to another person/s that they reacted on, in other words they clicked on the hyperlink in the invitation message you sent to download the Money Manager app and then registered as a CHIPS user (if they hadn't already done so before).  Your referral is only successful when the person registers successfully in response to your invitation.

What is the use of the category fields available in the app?

The three category fields provided for on every transaction, enables you to analyse your income and expenses according to your analysis requirements.  You can provide the categories at the time of the transaction - to open this option, click on the three dots under payment on an iPhone, or read more on an Android phone. Some transactions are categorised by default based on the type of transaction (e.g. buying a prepaid product on the Marketplace), or you can establish a link with the person, business or organisation and enter your own default categories for each linked party.  Categories can also be inserted or changed on the transaction in your transaction History.

Can I change categories of completed transactions?

Yes.  In the History you can click on the transaction you want to see or change the categories of.

About Trustlink

Trustlink (Pty) Ltd, a South African company established in 2002 is a trusted payment and solution provider to banks, other financial institutions and blue chip corporates across 28 African countries.

Trustlink now also offers CHIPS, as a service, to South African consumers, businesses and other organisations, as well as government.

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How to Track a Transaction With Chips Number


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